Topic: Random

Twitter graffiti

Bookmarks (issue 8)

Working on a new thing

Best practices

Bookmarks (issue 5)

Bookmarks (issue 4)

Bookmarks (issue 2)

Love. Hate. Material Design

Development environment in 2020

On code-reviews

Providing you’re working on a project maintained by a set team of N people. What would happen with the codebase if, for six months, in code-reviews, you started to accept changes for which, you generally leave feedback?

A thought experiment on Apple M1

With Apple's new M1 Macs showing (_reportedly_) huge performance improvement, compared to old, Intel-based Macs, I wonder what would hold Qualcomm (Snapdragon CPU) and others from doing the same...

How to design a good API

Sticky headers? Please don't

Sticky (or "_fixed_") headers are everywhere. It feels that every web designer’s first attempt to site's navigation starts with a sticky header. I hate this.

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