Bookmarks (issue 3)

Rust tracks on Exercism. More than 100 coding exercises to learn Rust through practice.

PostgreSQL Anonymizer 1.0. A PostgreSQL extension for declarative data masking (docs and examples).

Queries in PostgreSQL: 4. Index scan (Postgres Pro). An in-depth overview of how PostgreSQL decides if it will use an index. One particular thing I had no idea about before I read the article was that “The Index Scan cost is highly dependent on the correlation between the physical order of the tuples on disk and the order in which the access method returns the IDs”. That explains several cases from my own experience, where postgres kept using “unexpected” sequential scans, after we added “another index” to the database.

Monarch: Google’s planet-scale in-memory time series database (Micah Lerner). A review of the paper (PDF), which describes the latest iteration of Google’s in-house metrics system.

Google’s API Improvement Proposals (AIP). A collection of design documents that summarize Google’s API design decisions.

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